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Website Redesign Questionnaire
Website Redesign Questionnaire
Please fill out the form below to get your project started.
Email Address
Business/Organization Name
Current Website
Why do you want to redesign your website?
What will happen if you don’t redesign your website?
Please describe your organization in a few sentences.
What is there about you and your background that sets you apart for a special (niche) group of potential customers?
How can your particular work background help prospects, compared to others in your industry? What's special about your work experience?
Why do you believe site visitors should do business with you rather than with a competitor?
Please describe your potential customers. Pay special attention to their income, interests, gender, age, even type of computer they use, e.g., old with dialup account or newer with broadband. If your website is a business-to-business site, what sort of companies are you hoping to attract?
What is your deadline for completing the redesign?
What do you NOT want on your site in terms of text, content, etc.?
Do you have a logo or do you need a logo design or redesign as well?
List all of the things you want to see changed, improved upon, removed or added in the new site design.
Please provide a list of at least 3 websites that you like the design, functionality and/or style. Explain which elements you like and don't like, and why.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.